Thursday, April 26, 2012

Section 5 Summary, To Believe or Not To Believe. Alissa Velasquez & Daisy Tello Period:3

Prisoner Jews praying for Rosh Hashanah
    Chapter 5 begun with the holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Despite the cruel conditions, prisoner Jews still gather around to pray. However Eliezer did not. His faith in God has vanished since he'd been exposed to this harsh genocide. He no longer  felt the need to worship and fast for Yim Kippur in honor of God because God had done nothing to help his situation. His father didn't want him to fast either for the sake of his health but he still felt some guilt after his meals. 
Utensils used during the Holocaust 
     Selection had come. Eliezer was given advice to run as fast as he can so he isn't marked as weak. He passed selection even with his injured foot and afterward found out that his dad had passed as well. However, when the day for the those who did not pass selection were to be executed, Eliezer's father was told to stay behind as well. In fear of being on the selection list, Eliezer's father handed Eliezer  all his valuables including his knife and spoon. Though it was not in Eliezer's desire to take the utensils and wanted to believe losing his father was inevitable he knew there was a possibility and took the silverware. Fortunately his dad took them back at the end of the day because he was safe.
Hospital in Concentration Camp
     During winter, Eliezer's foot starts to hurt with the cold. He pays a visit to the doctor's and it turns out he'll need to have it amputated or get an operation. He starts to get comfortable in the better conditions of the hospital but his bed neighbor warns him he shouldn't get so used to being disabled. When the next selection roles around all in the hospital will be executed according to the neighbor. But then  again  his neighbor could just be trying to get him out of the hospital...

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