Thursday, April 26, 2012

Before the Night Ends Ivy Mach- 1

It was the last day of the Jewish year, Rosh Hashanah. He starts to question again. He question how he is still alive, and when will his last day be. He feels that everyday can be his last day. He is mad at God for all this suffering and why haven't he done anything to save them. He thinks that he should not be praised. Then, the Jews go on a fast, Elie rebels and eats his ration of bread with his father. After the Jewish new years, another selection was announced. Elie was separated from his father to work in the building factory. He worries that his father might not pass the selection and he prays for him. On the day of the selection Elie's father gives Elie his knife and spoon, as his inheritance. The next day, a miracle happened when he returned from work, they have survived the selection.

Winter has arrived and it has started snowing. The prisoners had changed into slightly thicker clothes and start to suffer the winter season. Elie's foot starts to swell up due to the cold. He goes to the infirmary to get it checked. The doctor says that he might need an operation, and might not be able to use his foot. A few days later, he was told that he didn’t need an operation after all and it was only infected & will heal in a few days. He was told that he will be up and running in two weeks. Rumors has been spreading that the Russians were approaching and there might be an evacuation. The next day, Elie's father came in and asked if he was strong enough to go on the journey. Elie packed up and got as much bread and clothes as he can and tried to find a piece cloth for his foot. At nightfall, in the middle of a snowstorm, they began their evacuation of Buna.

The Infirmary
Marching in Ranks

Inside the Blocks

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