Monday, April 16, 2012

Night Section 4-Damien Munguia, David Munguia

Soon after Eliezer and the rest of Jews are sent to Buna, another concentration camp, they then wait to be asigned to their new Kommandos-the worst being the Construction Kommando. The next day began the medical examinations of all the prisoners. The physical examinations were unorthodox, while the dental examination was far from discovering tooth decay. The examinations were unorthodox because the doctors were simply asking, "Are you in good health?" Beyond that there were no other questions. Elie and his father are chosen by a Kapo to serve in a unit of prisoners who's job is to count electrical parts. They are both housed in a musicians block, led by a German Jew. After a few days in Buna, Eliezer is summoned by the dentist, when Elie asked the dentist why he had been summoned, the dentist replied with, "I shall remove you gold crown, that is all." Elie quickly reply with, "Couldn't you wait a few days sir? I don't feel well, I have a fever..." Two weeks later, the dentists office was shut down because he was trading in the gold for his own benefit. The dentist was immediately hung for his crimes. Eliezer's "Kapo," Idek, was going into a rage and Elie was unfortunate enough to come across it. The young women working next to him however, assisted Elie in both cleaning him up, and making him feel better with some kind words. "Bite your lips little brother . . . Don't cry. Keep your anger, your hate, for another day, for later. The day will come but not now . . . Wait. Clench your teeth and wait . . ." Eliezer and his father were unfortunate enough to be caught in Idek's fits. One day, his father was the one that Idek directed his anger towards. Instead of being angry with Idek, Elie was primarily mad towards his father for not simply avoiding him. Franek was another man who took advantage of Eliezer's weakness. His gold crown that he managed to keep safe from the dentist, was pried from his mouth from a rusty spoon. 
Elie had changed so much due to the cruelty of the camps; from his father, to his belief, and finally, towards his thought of death. One hanging that he witnessed involving one man that had stolen during an air raid had hardly affected him. He was actually grateful because of the statement following the ceremony. "I remember that on that evening, the soup tasted better than ever . . ." But yet another hanging occurred, but this time involving a young pipel and two other men for harboring weapons. The young pipel was beloved, no one was able to watch with dry eyes. Not even the executioner was able to do his work and denied to do his job. Once the floor was removed from their feet, the two men died, but the young boy remained alive for half an hour. This had made Eliezer taste the soup of that of corpses, as well as severely cripple his faith in God

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