Friday, March 9, 2012
Night Summary by Aquiles Heredia and Eddie Pelayo
In the beginning of the of the book Night by Elie Wiesel the main character, Elie Wiesel himself lives in a small town named Sighet far from the war and the Nazis. Elie wants to learn teachings from the Kabalah from a man named Moshe The Beadle, because his father refused to teach Elie. Elie's father is a very cultured man who takes care of his community more than his own family, him and his family own a small shop. Eventually the Nazi's and the hungarian police come to the small town and take all the non-local Jewish residence including Moshe the Beadle and they were forced to dig a big trench which were to be the grave for most of the men,women,and children there. Moshe was left for dead and was able to see others left to suffer. Although he had tried to warn the Jewish community in Sighet by going back and preaching of his experience, no one would listen and just treat him like of he had gone mad. A year goes by then the Nazi return to Sighet and make all the Jews in the area to move into ghettos so they could be seperate from the other people. As more time passes in Sighet the Jews are once again moved to a smaller ghetto in the town while others are made to move to the synagouge to await to be transferred out of the town. Elie's house maid Martha begs him and his family to go to her hometown but his father refuses to leave the Jewish community behind. Eventually the Nazis begin to transfer all of the Jews in the small town due to the town being to close to the border where a war is taking place. Elie and his family are one of the last to be transferred out so the group of people are made to stand up and sit down due to roll call. To tire out the Jews the Nazis do roll call several times under the hot sun. The Jews are later made to wait in the main synagouge which was crowded and very unsanitary. The women and the men are seperated with the men in the bottom floor of the synagouge and the women on the main floor. They are eventually made to leave the main synagouge and into very crowded cattle cars that is to leave to a unknown destination.
Eddie Pelayo
Aquiles Heredia
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Journey Has Began - Ashly Dominguez, Kimberly Canizalez period. 2/3
The opening
of this book "Night" by Elie Wiesel begins with a poor man named
Moishe the Beadle who is a foreigner Jew. Moishe was a well liked guy who
minded his own business and stood out of everyones way. He worked in the
synagogue and taught the Kabbala to Elie Wiesel. He would teach Wiesel
religious spiritual views of the mysteries of God, which his father was highly
against because his father thought he was too young to learn. Wiesel was a
young boy who was very religious. His father was highly regarded in the Jewish community and he was a shop keeper in Sighet.

The Germans had a sneaky way of exterminating the Jews. Everything had happened so quick. Moishe tried warning the town Jews what was coming their way, but instead people only felt pity for him and changed their entire perspective of him. When Moishe came back, he told Elie what had happened to him and the rest of the Jews that were taken with him. He told him how the Germans mistreated and tortured them, but Elie was curious and questioned Moishe why he desperately wanted people to believe him. Moishe responded ,"'I wanted to come back to Sighet to tell you the story of my death. So that you could prepare yourselves while there was still time. To live? I don't attach any importance to my life any more. I'm alone. No, I wanted to come back, and to warn you. And see how it is, no one will listen to me...'"(7). Moishe tried warning Elies father for the last time, but his father refused to listen and after Moishe disappeared because no one would listen to him.
Suddenly, the Germans began dehumanizing the
Jews little by little. Soon after two ghettos were made in Sighet, the large
ghetto was were Elies family lived in at first. The smaller ghetto was where
Elie and his family were to wait to be transported. Throughtout this experience
Elie began to grow hatered torwards the Hungarian police because they were the
first oppressors. It was a Sunday when the cattle cars were waiting for them.
In each cattle car, eighty people were to be fitted,if any tried to escape they
would be shot. Finally, Elie and his family were on their way to a journey
they would never forget.
The Ghetto's Of Night, Destiny Perez & Christina Nuno 1st Period
^------------ Ghetto's
Cattle Cars----------^
^-------------The entrance to Auschwitz
Birkenau ------>
In the small town of Sighet ,
corruption started all by one step, deporting foreign Jews. While this tragedy took place, the life in
Sighet seemed as if nothing happened. Although this experience did not affect
many, sadly Moshe the Beatle had witnessed and experienced the terror. Once out
of Hungarian Territory ,
the foreign Jews encountered the Gestapo, who had taken over the foreign Jews
from there. The Gestapo
made the Jews dig up their own death beds, once done the Gestapo shot and
killed the Jews. Moshe the Beadle felt the need to escape, shot in the leg and
was left to die. Despite the pain Moshe the Beadle encountered, he returns to
Sighet to warn the other of the horrible events that had taken place. After hearing the heartbreaking story, people
start to question his insanity, nobody believes Moshe. After a few short days
the Germans overruled the town of Sighet .
Once the beginning of Passover started Jews
were commanded to stay in their houses for three days and forced to give up all
their personal belongings. After all the agonizing events, the Jews were forced
into cattle cars like animals. After all this tragedy Elie and his family was still unaware of what to come… TO BE CONTINUED...
nightmares at night Ivy Mach- period 1
Elie met Moishe the
Beetle in 1941. Moishe the Beetle was a poor foreign Jew. He did not get in people's ways so everyone liked him. Elie was always interested in Moishe the Beetle. They were friend due to the fact that he taught him the Kabbalah. Elie's father was a well respected man in the Jewish Community. One day the Hungarian police came to deport all the foreign Jews. A few days pasted and Moishe came back with a warning. He warned about the Hungarian police. He told the town of what happened to him. He said how they made them to dig big trenches and a lot of them were shot and/or left to die. Moishe survived and crawled back to warn them because he was only shot in the leg. He warned them that the Hungarian police were coming and they must be prepared. No one believed him; they all thought he was crazy. Everyone but Elie. Elie tried to warn his father and wished to move to Palestine but he said that he was too old to start over. In the spring of 1944, they quickly learned that the German troops were coming closer to Sighet. When they did come, all the Jews were forced to wear a yellow star everywhere they went. All the Jews thought it was no big deal. Their life went back to normal. Soon they had to give up all their valuable possessions and forced into the ghetto. Soon they still thought that their life went back to normal. they thought that it was a good thing that they were forced into the ghetto, now they were all together and the Germans don’t have to give them weird looks every time they passed by. Rumors started to fly around. People were saying that they will be forced to work in factories. No one believed it. Elie’s father was sent to a very important meeting. He came back with a grave look on his face. He told everyone to pack up and get ready for tomorrow. He did not say anything about what was happening. Soon German soldiers came and arrested all the Jews and were forced to line up in a line outside. A lot of the Jews were then forced into the cattle cars to be taken to the camp. Nothing happened that day; they were just forced to stand in a straight line for the whole entire day. Every few hours they would take roll call. By the end of the day, they went back to their homes. A few days pasted and nothing happened. Finally one day they were told to run/ walk. No one complained. They walked to the next ghetto, the smaller ghetto. They stayed there for another few days until they were forced to aboard the cattle cars.
Beetle in 1941. Moishe the Beetle was a poor foreign Jew. He did not get in people's ways so everyone liked him. Elie was always interested in Moishe the Beetle. They were friend due to the fact that he taught him the Kabbalah. Elie's father was a well respected man in the Jewish Community. One day the Hungarian police came to deport all the foreign Jews. A few days pasted and Moishe came back with a warning. He warned about the Hungarian police. He told the town of what happened to him. He said how they made them to dig big trenches and a lot of them were shot and/or left to die. Moishe survived and crawled back to warn them because he was only shot in the leg. He warned them that the Hungarian police were coming and they must be prepared. No one believed him; they all thought he was crazy. Everyone but Elie. Elie tried to warn his father and wished to move to Palestine but he said that he was too old to start over. In the spring of 1944, they quickly learned that the German troops were coming closer to Sighet. When they did come, all the Jews were forced to wear a yellow star everywhere they went. All the Jews thought it was no big deal. Their life went back to normal. Soon they had to give up all their valuable possessions and forced into the ghetto. Soon they still thought that their life went back to normal. they thought that it was a good thing that they were forced into the ghetto, now they were all together and the Germans don’t have to give them weird looks every time they passed by. Rumors started to fly around. People were saying that they will be forced to work in factories. No one believed it. Elie’s father was sent to a very important meeting. He came back with a grave look on his face. He told everyone to pack up and get ready for tomorrow. He did not say anything about what was happening. Soon German soldiers came and arrested all the Jews and were forced to line up in a line outside. A lot of the Jews were then forced into the cattle cars to be taken to the camp. Nothing happened that day; they were just forced to stand in a straight line for the whole entire day. Every few hours they would take roll call. By the end of the day, they went back to their homes. A few days pasted and nothing happened. Finally one day they were told to run/ walk. No one complained. They walked to the next ghetto, the smaller ghetto. They stayed there for another few days until they were forced to aboard the cattle cars.
walking up from the night caleb martinez. valerie aranda per;4
Moishe was just a teenager. They call him Moishe the beadle spend his child hood in transyivania.Moishe the beadle lives in the ghetto. His dad is a culture man. Moishe's family runs a store. Moishe the beadle was as awkward as a clown someone from out of town came to transyivana and told the town that the naziz were coming, no one belived him except Moishe the beadle. When the Naziz came Moishe went to wake up everyone, but it was to late. The naziz were searching houses.
The jews couldn't leave the houses because if they did the germens will kill them. The germens threw babies in the air and use them as targets to shot. The jewish council knew what was going to happen. But the germen thertened him if he spoke, of what was going to happen. Two germen officers were walking around the neighbor hood and they thought nothing was going to happen. They make the jews walk for 3 days toget to a little and poor neighbor hood. Their old maid came to were thay were told them that if they want to go to a home she had, but they did want to go and Moishe dad told him if he want to go to go, but he did went he stud with his family.
The germen took the jews away from there house and took them to a smaller place. The smaller place was called the ghetto. The germens would take all of their clothes and shave their head. The german took their hair and made them as wigs.
The jews couldn't leave the houses because if they did the germens will kill them. The germens threw babies in the air and use them as targets to shot. The jewish council knew what was going to happen. But the germen thertened him if he spoke, of what was going to happen. Two germen officers were walking around the neighbor hood and they thought nothing was going to happen. They make the jews walk for 3 days toget to a little and poor neighbor hood. Their old maid came to were thay were told them that if they want to go to a home she had, but they did want to go and Moishe dad told him if he want to go to go, but he did went he stud with his family.
The germen took the jews away from there house and took them to a smaller place. The smaller place was called the ghetto. The germens would take all of their clothes and shave their head. The german took their hair and made them as wigs.
My Start of LIFE Alondra Tamayo (Per.3) and Josceline Torribio (Per.1)
This picture shows how soldiers would treat Jews with
discipline into entering the cattle cars where they were led to a concentration
Moishe the Beatle was a homeless person who didn’t get
into people’s business. One day Moishe and other non- Hungarian Jews were
deported by Hungarian police but the incident was forgotten by other Jews. Several months passed by, Moishe
returns, having escaped from the concentration camp in Poland. He tries to warn
the Jews what had happened to him, but nobody believed him people believed he
had gone insane. Moishe tells Ellie what had happened to him in the
concentration camp in order to save the Jews in Sighet, but life continues as
normal for the duration of 1942 and 1943. During the spring of 1944, people
believed that the Germans would soon be defeated by the Russians because nobody
believed that the Natzis would exterminate an entire race of people. However, it all becomes reality and the
Hungarian Police start coming to the small Jewish Ghetto and
start making people leave out of their homes. That night, everyone goes to bed
because they had nothing else to do. The Jews had to gather up their belongings
and took food because they were leaving (deported). They agreed to
crowd together into the synagogue for an entire day. The following morning,
everyone was moved into cattle wagons, which were sealed shut. The Gestapo
soldier would put someone in charge of each car and threatens to shoot him if
anyone escapes. The whistle blows, and the trains start moving and off they go to the concentration camps.
This is an example of how the Natzi soldiers would treat Jews when they would get to the camps. The Natzi soldiers would take away the Jews clothes and would replace it with old uniform rags. |
This picture is showing the deportation of Jews. |
Night, Johnny Hernandez-6
Moishe the Beadle,
a homeless foreign Jew, had warned Elie Wiesel and the rest of the Jewish
community about the Germans. He was deported and shot in the leg, but survived
because they assumed he was dead. Elie and him were really good friends, Moishe
was like his instructor and taught him about Kabbalah. Moishe didn’t want Elie or
his community to get hurt, which is why he wanted them to open their eyes so
that they knew what to expect from the Germans. Unfortunately, they considered
him insane and decided to not believe him. They did wrongly because the Germans
had began to treat them unfairly by making them wear the yellow star, give in
all of their valuable possessions, weren't allowed to do certain things, and
forced to live in the ghetto. They thought they didn’t have to worry since they
were among their families, other Jewish people. After a few days, they were
obligated to walk hours, without any water, to the station. They had realized
that the situation was bad when they were placed in cattle wagons, reflecting
back on the warnings of Moishe the Beadle.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
BETRAYAL, Jennifer Hernandez-1 & Kasandra Garcia-2
In Night, Moishe the Beadle, a foreign jew, was introduced as shy and made people smile. He was aware of what was going on. Him and Elie Wiesel were really good friends due to the fact that Moishe taught him about Kabbalah. In this chapter, Moishe got deported, when he came back he warned everyone in Sighet about the Germans arriving soon and they must be prepared. People didn't believe him because they thought he was crazy. At first people thought it wasn't so bad that they were forced to wear the yellow star, do certain things, and were sent to the ghetto. They usually asked for advice on public/private matters to Elie's father. He was a highly respected man who was always involved in the welfare of others. So when they were sent to the ghetto, Elie's father said it wasnt such a big deal. They were practically dragged out of their homes and forced to give the Hungarian police all of their valuable possessions. The Hungarian police tried gaining their trust, which is why the Jewish people weren't worried about moving to another location where they were among other Jewish families.
After a while, life went back to normal for Elie and the other Jews. While in the ghetto, Maria, a former maid of the Wiesel family, begged them to go with her to her village where she had prepared a safe shelter for them. With pride, Elie's father ignored her and rejected the offer. Days went by, suddenly one day they were all forced to leave their belongings behind and leave the small ghetto, there was going to be "transports." They walked long hours without food nor water to the main synagogue, which was abandoned and destroyed. The next day they walked towards a station, where a convoy of cattle cars was waiting for them. They were placed in there and treated like animals because cattle cars are used to transport cows. This is when they realized that they should have listened to the warnings that Moishe the Beadle had mentioned.
After a while, life went back to normal for Elie and the other Jews. While in the ghetto, Maria, a former maid of the Wiesel family, begged them to go with her to her village where she had prepared a safe shelter for them. With pride, Elie's father ignored her and rejected the offer. Days went by, suddenly one day they were all forced to leave their belongings behind and leave the small ghetto, there was going to be "transports." They walked long hours without food nor water to the main synagogue, which was abandoned and destroyed. The next day they walked towards a station, where a convoy of cattle cars was waiting for them. They were placed in there and treated like animals because cattle cars are used to transport cows. This is when they realized that they should have listened to the warnings that Moishe the Beadle had mentioned.
" No One Listened . . . " - Esmeralda & Jeanelle , Period 4 :D
Gestapo Police.
A Section Of The Ghetto.
Members Of The Ghetto Being Forced To March.
No one believed Moishe the Beadle, the poor awkward man that lived in Sighet. No one listened to what he had to say. Not even Elie himself. Moishe was the boy who had taught and helped him understand the jewish religion, but still he chose not to believe. Moishe told everyone about his experience after being taken away from the Hungarian Police, " The train with the deportees had crossed the Hungarian Border... the jews were ordered to get off...then they were forced to dig huge trenches" (6). After, the Gestapo began to shoot everyone, even infants, he was able to get away with only a shot in his leg. He returned to warn everyone - Elie Wiesel and the community - but no one believed his story. They should have listened. By 1994, the small town where they lived had been turned into a ghetto, a section of a city where a group of people live. They should have listened...the worst was still to come.
Awaken Nightmare-Jonathan Camacho, Jonathan Olalde, Johnathan Gutierrez-period 2

The Mystery of the Ghettos Sonia Sanchez, Jackiee Salinas Period 2
Moise the beadle escaped from the camp and came back to warn them of the Nazis. While everything seemed fine there was a tragedy waiting to happen. Many were happily sleeping at night, Elie Wiesel's father was getting the news they were awaiting what had happened. They were waiting and waiting, finally Elie Wiesel's father came out and told them that the ghetto had to be evacuated. So then he went to go warn the other neighbors about the evacuation. Some were half asleep while he was explaining. So they had to leave from the big ghetto to the small ghetto. The Germans were always taking roll call out in the unknown weather. They did it every time they moved. They would do it for hours and hours going over the same names. They got to the small ghetto and the day after they were sent to the cattle wagon and were sent to what they thought was work camp. They had no clue what was stake for them.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Jennifer Rodriguez-2

Families moving to the small ghetto, police officers yelling out to people saying to leave , pack your clothes.In 1941 , when the Germans wanted to get rid of jewish culture, describing the beginning of the German war .Two weeks before Shavuot , people in the streets exchanging cheerful greetings.Children playing , rolling hazelnuts down the streets.The father is being told to pack their things and leave before the war comes to their homes .At 4 o' clock in the morning , the father running left to right consolling with friends , while women prepare food and sew backpacks .At 8 o' clock , everyone comes out and is ready to leave.Then the signal comes at 1 , then news comes saying their not leaving only moving to the small ghetto .By 9 o' clock , police man calling out all the jews to come out side and to hurry . Saturday came , the day of rest ,it was the day for their expulsion .By dawn , they were all in the streets , ready to leave.Next morning , they walked to the station where cattle cars were waiting , eighty people in each one .Wheels then began to move , and off they go .
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