NIGHT Section 3- Damien M. Ricardo R.
At the beginning of section 3 Elie tells us that there beloved correspondings were left behind in the wagon, and that in every few yards, there stood an SS man. One of the SS man came and said "Men to the left". Once Elie heard that he couldn't believe he was being separated from his mother and Tzipora his sister, and at that moment Elie felt his fathers hand. While Elie was walking was walking an old man fell to the ground and an SS man took his revolver in its holster, at that moment all Elie could think of was not to lose his father. Later that day a man integgorated Elie the man asked him "how old are you", Elie said "Fifteen", but the man said angrily "no your eighteen", then he disappeared. Some whispered we must do something. We can't let them kill us like in the slaughterhouse. We must revolt", they said this because among the group in which Elie was in there were a few tough men with knives and that they were urging to attack the guards. While Elie was walking to the crossroads he saw Dr. Mengele and he ask "Whats your age", Elie responded saying "eighteen"' and Dr. Mengele kept asking him questions. At last Dr. Mengele told Elie to go to the left. Elie was happy that his father was still with him. When they were walking an inmate came and explained to them that if they were happy because they were heading to the crematorium. And when Elie heard what the inmate had told them he look up front and saw the flames and at that moment he saw a truck and that it was unloading babies. All Elie could think of is, am i still alive? am i awake? and that this could not be real. Elie didn't want to die burning in the fire and that he rather want to die jumping in the electrified barbed wire and that this would be easier than a slow death in the flames. As Elie and his group approached the crematorium the heat was rising and Elie was thinking if "I'm going to kill myself, this was the time. And when he was 3 steps away he gathered all his strenght to throw himself but then they were ordered to turn left and and headed into barracks. When they got the barracks they were told told "strip" off their old cloth and they got new ones. Then they were taken to the barber where they got their hair cut. After, they wander of to the crowd. At 5 o'clock the Kapos where beating Elie and his group up, but they didn't feel no pain. Then they told them to run and after a few minutes, a new barrack appeared. And in the new barracks they showered with hot water. Then again they ran to a Gypsy camp were they made made them stand in the mud and Elie fell asleep doing that, and if a Kapo came a kapo in they stood up. An SS man came in with the Angel of Death and started to explain what they had to do. When he was done he got transferred to another barrack. And when his dad ask were the toilet were at he got slap and Elie didn't do anything. The next day they ran and while they where getting whip they marched to the camp were the chimney was at and they opened the gates. Then SS men encircled them and left the camp and that's when they reached Auschwitz. That's were they met a young pole who gave them a speech with human word. In the morning they got new cloth and black coffee. Later on that day before dusk they got tatoo numbers wich ended up being there names Elies new name was A-7713. The next day was morning: Black coffee. At midday: soup. At the third day Elie would eat any kind of soup. Later that day a guy name Stein was looking for Elies dad to see how they were. Hoping for Elies dad to have news from his family he ask him " i thought you might have some news of Reizel and my two small boys who stayed in Antwerp". That's when Elie lied and he said that they were ok. Stein kept coming and giving Elies dad bread so that Elie could eat it. Until one day Stein received news about a transport from Antwerp had arrived so he went and found out the real news about his family and from that day on Elie never saw him again. The day came where they left to the countryside and after hours, they arrived to a new camp: Buna.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
chapter 2 Isabel Hernandez Per 4.
In chapter 2 they are still on their way to concetration camps. The jews try to save whatever they have for the next day. Their plan was to save for the worst to come, they did what they had to, to survive. During the ride to the concetration a Gestapo officer stepped in the cattle cars and took any valuables the Jews had left. The Gestapo told the Jews if he finds any one else having any kind of valuable they'll be killed on the spot. When the Gestapo officer left , he warned the Jews that if anyone was missing,he knew how much were in there, that he would shoot them all. A lady named Mrs. Schacter was seperated from her husband and son. She was devastated because of that. One night while everyone was sleeping she sat up and started screaming claiming that there was a fire near, everyone started to panic and when they looked out there was nothing. This happened frequently. Once everybody got tired of it and encouraged the guys to hit her when they did she still was screaming , her son tried to calm her down.They also tried gagging her, but that only worked for a couple of hours. When they finally arrived at the concetration camp they saw a thick black fog in the sky, the source a crematorium. The stench of human flesh being burnt was in the air.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Section Two Summary-Destiny Perez-Period 1
When all the Jews where in the cattle cars, there was a lady who started to go crazy, thinking that she saw a fire. All the men beat her to make her quite, but she continued to scream ,"FIRE! FIRE!" Once they had arrived at the concentration camp, all the men and women were seperated from each other. All the men were sent to the hospital. This hospital is where the men were checked to see if they were healthy enough to continue working, or if they were too sick to work, so they were killed. Elie Wiesel and his father had passed the test . The Jews were ordered to give up there personal belongings, such as gold and silver. If the Jews were caught keeping these items, they were killed. Every Jew would be shot if one ran away or went missing. The men were all ordered to work for the Germans Officers. . . TO BE CONTINUED . . .
Monday, March 19, 2012
Alfonso Morales Per. 6
Why people had to be sacrificed only for their offspring
It is so crowded inside the cattle wagon that people have to take turns to sit down. They travel for two days, and the heat, crowding, and lack of food and drink is becoming unbearable. Social constraints become stripped away, and young people openly have sex, with everyone pretending not to notice. The wagons stop at Kaschau, a town on the Czechoslovak frontier, and everyone realizes that they will not be staying in Hungary as expected. A German officer explains to them that they are now under the authority of the German army. He takes all their valuables and threatens to shoot everybody in a wagon if even a single person escapesA fifty-year-old woman named Madamae Schaechter is on the train with her ten-year-old son. She had been separated from her husband and two older sons earlier and is now beginning to lose her mind. She starts screaming hysterically about a fire and a furnace that she claims to see in the distance. At first, she terrifies the people in her wagon, and they rush to see what she is pointing at out the window. After hours of her screaming, the people on the train can take no more, and they tie her up, gag her, and begin beating her to make her stop screaming about the fire. She breaks free from her restraints and periodically screams throughout the night, until everyone else on the train feels like they are about to go mad too. Finally, the wagons arrive at Auschwitz, which they are told is a labor camp where conditions are good. People's spirits lift, although Madame Schaechter continues to scream. As the train pulls into the camp, everyone suddenly sees the flames and chimney that Madame Schaechter had prophesied. When her vision finally materializes, Madame Schaechter becomes silent. Everyone is forced to get out of the train, amidst the smell of burning flesh. They are at Birkenau, the reception center for Auschwitz.
I cant believe that people like the germans were able to kill millions of innocent people without reason just because they were jews.
Night Section 2 Cattle Cars and Visions
In section 2 of Night Elie Wiesel is lead into a cattle car and with other fellow Jews to an unknown destination. As they continue to travel on the train tracks in the stuffy car one of the women oh the car begins to scream and hallucinate. She begins to scream about fire and pain and most belleive she has gone mad due to being seperated from her family. She continues to scream to the point that to subdue the mad woman the men of the cattle car tie her up and leave her in a corner with her son. Eventually she breaks free from her bonds she begins screaming and flailing of the coming fire. The men then have grown tired of this and begin to beat her to keep her quiet. Eventually after a couple beatings she stops screaming and becomes distant and silent and the rest of the ride is quiet. When they finally arrive to their destination the woman begins to scream again "The Fire!" and as the Jews look out the small window they can see the flames rise from the chimney with the smell of burning human flesh. Afterwards she returns to her distant silent self and the chapter comes to a close as Elie realizes their destination, Ausvwitchs.
By Aquiles Heredia and Eddie Pelayo
Section 2 Summary-Ruby Umaña Period 3
In section two the Jews were packed into cattle cars, tormented with unbearable conditions. There is almost no air to breathe, the heat is intense, there is no room to sit, and everyone is hungry and thirsty. Some men and women begin to flirt openly on the train as though they were alone, while others pretended not to notice. After days of travel in these unbearable conditions, the train arrives at the Czechoslovakian border, and the Jews realize that they are not simply being relocated. A German officer takes official charge of the train, threatening to shoot any Jew who refuses to give his or her valuables and to exterminate everybody in the car if anybody escapes. The doors to the cattle cars are nailed shut, keeping them from escaping. Madame Schächter, a middle-aged woman who is on the train with her ten-year-old son. On the third night, she begins to scream that she sees a fire in the darkness outside the car. Although no fire is visible, she terrifies the Jews. They soon start thinking that Madame Schächter is crazy. The men get tired of her yelling so they tie her up and gag her so that she cannot scream. Her son watches her and cries and when Madame Schächter breaks out of her bonds and continues to scream about the furnace that awaits them, she is then beaten into silence by some of the men on the cattle car, with the approval of everyone. The next night, Madame Schächter begins her screaming once again.They soon find out where they are, when the train stops, they have reached Auschwitz station. This name means nothing to them. They are told that they have arrived at a labor camp where they will be treated well and kept together as families. This news comes as a relief, and the Jews let themselves believe what they were told. Madame Schächter again wakes everyone with her screams, and again she is beaten into silence. The train moves slowly and at midnight passes into an area enclosed by barbed wire. Through the windows, everybody sees the chimneys of vast furnaces. There is a terrible odor in the air, what they soon discover is the odor of burning human flesh. This concentration camp is Birkenau.
Analysis: By treating the Jews as less than human the Nazis cause the Jews to act as if they were less than human. In the ghetto the Jews maintained their sense of common purpose and common morality. Once forced out of their homes and treated like animals they begin act like as they were animals. The first hint of this dehumanized behavior is when Jewish prisoners come when some of the deportees in the cattle car, lose their modesty and sense of sexual inhibition. The Jews become more and more depraved, by overcoming their terror. Some of them begin to beat Madame Schächter in order to keep her quiet. Not only does God fail to save the Jews from the cruel Nazis they drive the Jews into cruelty.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Yelling In the Dark by Ivy Mach- Period 1
In section two of Night, Elie Weisel and his family were forced to go into a cattle car with all the Jews. The cattle car was a big storage box. There were over 70 people per cattle car, it was really crowded. When they closed the car, it was pitching black and there was barely enough air for them to breathe. People would have to go do their business in a specific corner. Everyone was hungry and thirsty. The all wondered about where they were going and what was going to happen. Among all the Jews there was on the cattle car, there was a lady called Madam Shachter. She and her son were separated from her husband. Due to the trauma she had, she had gone insane. She would yell out fire and everyone would look out the window. Every few minutes, she would yell fire but nothing was there. Soon they would get tired of her yelling, some Jews decided to tie her up and stuff her mouth. It only worked for a while. Eventually she calmed down for a while but soon she started yelling again. They started to believe her when they smelled smoke. Everyone looked out the window. All they saw as a big building with a chimney. Coming out the chimney was smoke. They are in Auschwitz.
The Flames of their Fate, Susana Reyes-4
In the second section of Night, Elie Wiesel and his family are crowded inside the stuffy cattle cars with other Jews.There are about eighty people in each cattle car so you can imagine how crowded it must be. Here is a picture of Jews inside the cattle cars
Invisible Flames - Nicholas Ortega Period 1

The chapter begins with Elie's description of the inside of the cattle cars. "There is almost no air to breathe, the heat is intense, there is no room to sit, and everyone is hungry and thirsty. In their fear, the Jews begin to lose their sense of public decorum. Some men and women begin to flirt openly on the train as though they were alone, while others pretend not to notice" (21). After a few days of traveling in these conditions, the train stops at the border of Czechoslovakia. An officer informs the Jews that if any of them is caught possessing jewelry, gold, and silver, they will be shot and killed, and if a single one of them escapes, everyone in the cattle car will be killed. Madam Schacter, who was separated from her husband and children, loses her sanity and begins to scream that she sees a fire outside. Many of the Jews look through the bars of the cattle car, yet there is no fire in sight. This continues until the Jews grew tired of her. They tried gagging and tying her, but that only worked for a time. She broke free from her bonds, and men on the train beat her until she goes quiet. The next morning, the train stops, and the Jews find out that they have reached Auschwitz station. According to some locals that they bribed, it is a labor camp where they will be treated well and kept together as families. This relieves the Jews, and made them believe that all would be well. The same night, however, Madame Schacter begins to scream again. The men beat her until she went quiet like before. During midnight, the train passes into an area enclosed with barbed fire fences. Through the barred windows, the people in the cattle car see the chimneys of huge furnaces and smell the odor of burning flesh. They had arrived in Birkenau.
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