In section 3 Elie and his father were separated from the rest of their family. The officers command them all to form ranks of five men on the left and women on the right. After they make ranks of five an inmate interrogates Elie and his father and tells them what to say when Dr. Mengele interrogated them. Elie tells him that he is an 18-year-old farmer that is in good health. By then they were already separated from the rest of their family. An inmate who had scared them told them that they would be heading toward the crematorium. They started to prey in a different language. As they were getting closer they were getting more frightened. But luckily they were herded into the barracks. In the barracks inmates had ordered them to strip down naked. Then they were sent to the barber who shaved them bald. They all had to sleep naked in the cold that night. They were forced to run to some other barracks were they were disinfected and had taken hot showers quickly. They were thrown shirts pants and jackets. Elie had been so scared that he had lost track of how long they were there. They had found out a while later that they were in the Auschwitz concentration camp. They were served very nasty soup and when his father had a colic attack and asked directions to the wash room he was hit and crawled back to his spot, with Elie slowly losing hope and his faith in god….
In section 3 Elie and his family arrive at Birkenau and are immediately separated. They send men to the left and women to the right. When they are asking for ages Elie gets advice from another inmate to fake his age and Elie decides it seems wise to believe him. While they ask for ages Elie says he is 18 and his father says he is 40. After this they are marched to the crematorium where they think this will be their last day alive. As they march closer Elie begins to doubt his faith and for the first time see the real holocaust first hand. Just as they are about to come to the crematorium they are given orders to march to the barracks. Once at the barracks they are told to strip out of their clothes, taken to the barber, and had all their hair shaven off. Days later they encounter a relative named Stein from Antwerp. He tells them that the only thing that has kept him alive is the prospect that his wife and children might still be alive. Days later Stein tells them that he heard that deportees from Antwerp were being brought in and he went to find out and they never heard from him again. Days later they are deported to Buna.
In section 3 of the book Night by Elie Wiesel Elie and his father are moved to the concentration camp Auschwitz. On their arrival they were ordered to strip and to shower. Then they were made to run naked as clothes were thrown at random. They were made to run several times to make them exhausted. In the time spent at Auschwitz Elie and his father meet a old relative named Stein from which they received letters from his wife. As they received little food from Stein , Stein eventually disappeared due to him finding out of what had become of his family, Elie had lied to him to give the man some hope to continue with his life, but they never heard from Stein again.
Is something sad have to be separated of your family when you-are in one situation that you do not even know what is going to happen to them or what the people that separates them of you could do to your love ones
At Birkenau, the men and women are separated. In hindsight, Elie realizes that this was the last time he saw his mother and sister alive. One of the prisoners warns him to say he is eighteen, though he is in fact fourteen, and his father is to say he is forty instead of fifty. Another man comes to them and asks what they are doing here. At Auschwitz they are going to be thrown into the furnaces, he tells them. Some of the new prisoners contemplate attacking the guards, and an old man tells everyone that they must never lose faith. Elie got a number because they were named just by number no by their manes anymore. He always asked to be with his dad at all times. There was a time when he saw his dad in a situation where they were making suffering to his dad and he could not do something about it . It is a frustrating situation see to your love ones suffering and cxan not do something for them because you can be in the same situation like them.
Why people take advantage of others only because they have more power than them or are in a position where they feel having the right of make others suffering.
As soon as they get off the train,
the men and women are separated. An SS officer cries, “Men to the left! Women
to the right!”(27) Elie parts from his mother and sisters. As the new arrivals
enter the camp, a veteran prisoner advises Elie and his father to lie about
their ages so they could be together. Another prisoner points to the chimney and
warns them that it is the place of their graves. He says, "'Do you see
that chimney over there? See it? Do you see those flames? Over there that's
where you're going to be taken. That's your grave, over there”(28).
Dr. Mengele an SS officer with a conductor's
baton in his hand, separates the men according to who can work and who cannot.
Elie and his father remain together. As the new prisoners march toward the
barracks, they witness babies being thrown into a ditch filled with flames. The
Jews cannot believe their eyes, it is like a nightmare. They begin to recite the
Kaddish a Jewish prayer for the dead. For the first time, As he is near the
flames of the ditch, Elie thinks about jumping to his death. But at the last
moment, he chooses to live. Two steps from the pit, they are ordered to turn
left. That first night in camp is forever etched into the memory of Elie
Wiesel."Never shall I forget that
night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night,
seven times cursed and seven times sealed....Never shall I forget those moments
which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I
forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself.
Never"(32). This shows that Elie will never forget what he has
The new arrivals are taken to the
showers, shaven at the barber, and given work clothes. As the Jews assemble
into crowds, some are joyful at being alive, others cry. Elie notices that both
he and his father have changed during the grueling process of being turned into
prisoners of camp. Elie feels that the child in him has died; he is no longer
the young boy he once was.”The night
was gone. The morning star was shining in the sky. I too had become a
completely different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was,
had been consumed in the flames. There remained only a shape that looked like
me. A dark flame had entered into my soul and devoured it" (34).
An SS officer, with an "odor of
the Angel of Death," tells the prisoners that they are at Auschwitz and
that they should remember this forever. He warns the prisoners that anyone who
cannot work will be sent to the crematory. As Elie and his father enter their
barracks, the gypsy in charge strikes Elie's father for asking about the
lavatories. Elie knows that he has changed. The prisoners are assigned to their
respective blocks. The general tells the prisoners that the war will soon be
over. Still the spoiled child, Elie refuses his soup even though he's hungry.
His father eats Elie's portion. After the meal, the prisoners are engraved with
their prison identification numbers. Elie becomes A-7713. After a few days, the
prisoners accustom themselves to the daily routine of roll call, meals, and
work. By the third day, Elie eats whatever is provided. On the eighth day, Elie
and his father come across a relative of theirs. He asks them about the
whereabouts of his wife and children. Although Elie does not know, he lies and
says that he has heard news about them. Stein weeps with joy. He continues to
visit, bringing with him extra rations of bread for Elie. One day, a transport
from Antwerp arrives and Stein finds out the truth about his family. Elie does
not hear from him again.In the evenings, the Jews spend time
talking about the mysteries of God Akiba Drumer a religious man with a deep,
solemn voice, sings Hasidic melodies. Elie, however, ceases to pray. He
sympathizes with Job when he says, "I did not deny God's existence, but I
doubted His absolute justice"(42). During these conversations, Elie
wonders about his mother and sisters. Elie's father reassures him by saying
that they are probably doing well. Elie finds this difficult to believe. The
prisoners stay in Auschwitz for three weeks; after which they are relocated to
a new work camp Buna.
They arrive in birkenau and they were separated men and women, Elie goes with his father while his mom and little sister, Tzipora, leave forever. They force Elie to say that he is eighteen instead of fifteen, they were all marching to the crematorium and as they walked to the crematorium they remember the screams of Ms. Schachter. When they arrived in the barracks they were forced to strip their clothes off and their hair had to be shaved off. At five o'clock in the morning they were outside in the cold naked holding their belongings. They had to run a few minutes to a new barrack. Then Eli's father colic attack and asked to go to the restroom, the gypsy struck in the face so hard it knocked him down. Elie was ashamed of his father he should have knew better. They were forced to march to another concentration camp named Auschwitz. They were assigned a block, Elie was assigned block 17, they were forced to line up three prisoners were brought to a table rolled up their sleeves and their arms were tattooed with a number taking place of their name. Elie's number became A-7713. After days a man approached the camp and asked for Wiesel from Sighet. The man was a relative of Elie, he was worried about his wife and children, he asked if the knew anything about them. Elie lied to keep the man's hopes up. Sooner again they walked to a new camp called Buna.
In section 3, the Jews arrived at Birkenau, where they were practically seperated from their families. Men were sent to the left while women were sent to the right. Although Elie was seperated from his mom, he was somewhat relieved that his dad was still by his side. Elie held on to his father very tight so that he wouln't lose him. An inmate in the camp made Elie and his father lie about their age, to survive and not be killed. Elie was now 18 and his dad was now 40. The Jews marched tom the crematoria, where Elie witnessed babies being burned and killed. Elie was horrified and scared once he witnessed this. Elie, his father, and all the other Jews were later moved to the barracks, where they were forced to strip off their clothes or get naked, and the SS officers also shaved the Jews heads. Here Elie's dad was slapped for wanting to go to the restroom. After this they moved into Auschwitz, where there Elie became A-7713. That was now his new name, he even had it tattoed. In Auschwitz they meet Stein, their relative, he asked Elie if he knew anything about his family. Elie lied and said his family was fine, to give Stein hope, but one day they never heard about Stein again. At lasts, Elie and his father were moved to Buna, a differnt part of Auschwitz.
Section 3 starts in Birkenau where the women and men are separated. Elie goes with his father, while his mother and sisters go to the women's side. Little did Elie know, this would be the last time he saw them. I think this shows how strong Elie is because the minute I am separated from my family, I would have broken down into tears. It must have been also difficult to wonder how they dealt with being cremated alive. I would be asking myself, did they suffer? Or was it quick? After being separated, another prisoner demands Elie and his father to lie about their age because this would allow them to survive. Other prisoners angrily inform Elie that the reason they are sent to Auschwitz was to be cremated. When asked by the doctor, Elie lies about his age and says he is a farmer, instead of a student. He is sent to the left with his father. At this point, Elie is still unsure about his safety because no one knows which direction leads to death or work. As they move throughout Birkenau Elie witnesses babies and adults being burned in pits and realizes the horrors Auschwitz is full of. Elie begins to challenge God and is angered that he would allow all the deaths of the innocent Jewish people. This gave me a sense of irony because Elie was very religious at first, but we begin to see the cracks in his faith from this scene. At first, it seems the group of men are moving toward the pit, which causes Elie to consider suicide with the electric fence. However, two steps from the pit, the group is redirected to barracks. Soon after arriving, the men are shaved, stripped, and dressed in prison uniforms. When days pass, Elie realizes how much he's changed when he fails to protect his father from a Kapo. They then move over to Auschwitz for three weeks, here prison numbers are tatooed on their arms. Elie's number is A-7713. At Auschwitz, Elie and his father meet a relative named Stein, who Elie lies to about his family's whereabouts to give him hope. When Stein discovers the truth about his family, he never returns to Elie again. At the end of the section, the group of workers embark on a four hour walk to their new work place, Buna.
Hateful Existence - David Munguia - English 6 - Ms. Haro
The Cruelty of the Nazi's and what, and how they impacted the world shocked everyone. When books were published about the horrors if the concentration camps, many had difficulty sleeping, such as a certain Elie Wiesel.
"Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes... children thrown into the flames."(32) This is just a sample of the horrors that the Jewish people were exposed to. The experience of the concentration camps made the prisoners hate their very existence.
The Nazi's would replace anyone seen as too humane. "At the start of the third week, our blockalteste was removed; he was judged too humane."(44) Much cruelty was shown to the Jewish people, many families were forced to separate either by the separation of men and women, or by the different transports that were used to move the people near the battlefront. Stein, a relative of Elie's father admitted that the only reason he chose to live was for his family who had been taken from him due to the separation of men and women. When he discovered the truth of his family, I believe that he had chosen to die. Loss of family, such a terrible tragedy, was able to break everyone's will to the point of wishing for death to bless them with rest.
In this section 3 of "Night" Elie and his family arrive at Birkenau and are separated. They were told "Men to the left! Women to the right!"(29). Here they were given advice from another inmate to lie about his age in order to survive. Elie was told to be 18 and his father 40. Then they were marched to the crematoria where they were foced to think this would be the end of their lives. This is the first time Elie witnessed the horrors of Auschwitz. Just as they were about to reach their doom they were ordered to march into barracks. Here they were stripped of their clothing, had their hair shaved, and foced to endure the cold. Then they were taken to Auschwitz. Here is where Elie hears his first human words spoken to him since arriving at Auschwitz. Days later they were tattooed numbers. From here on out Elie was known as A-7713. While at Auschwitz they encounter a relative from Antwerp, Stein. He syas that the only reason he is still alive is because he is clinging to the hope that his wife and children might still be alive. One day he hears that more deportees were brought in from Antwerp and he went to go find out if his wife and children were among them. After this they never saw him again. Days later they were deported to another part of Auschwitz: Buna.
In chapter 3, Elie and his family were being escorted from place to place. Once they got there, the women and the men were being separated by one of the SS men. When they were being separated, Elie's mother and sister went a different way from Elie and his father. As they went their own way, Elie held his fathers hand tightly to not lose him. An SS officer was giving orders and asked Ellie and his father for their age. When they answered, the inmate gave them a different age which was 18 and 40 and they were really 15 and 50. They kept walking and they get asked questions by an SS officer then they were told " Poor devils, you are heading for the crematorium."(32) When they were told that, they saw flames and a truck unloading babies and throwing then into the flames. Elie couldn't believe what he was seeing, he thought it was a dream. They were looking at the people being thrown into the flames and they were praying. As they were watching, they got closer to being thrown into the flames. When they were two steps away they were asked to turn left and got saved from the flames. They were ordered to strip and keep only their belt and their shoes. Once they were naked, they were ordered to go to the barber.The next day at five in the morning, they were ordered to run because they were expelled from their barrack. They were soaked in disinfection, and took a hot shower. They were ordered to run once again., but this time they were throwing clothes at them. An SS officer came in and said "You are in a concentration camp. In Auschwitz.''As he told them that "Remember it always, let it be graven in your memories. You are in Auschwitz. And Auschwitz is not a convalescent home. It is a concentration camp. Here, you must work. If you dont you will go straight to the chimney. To the crematorium. Work or crematorium-the choice is yours. "(39) Suddenly, Elie's father got a colic attack. The father asked a gypsy where the toilets were and then gypsy slapped him. One day in the afternoon, they were made to line up. As they lined up, three prisoners had a table with medical instruments. They were tattooed with a number. "I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name."(42) As days passed, they had a daily routine which was black coffee in the mornings, soup in the middays, afternoon roll call, bread with something, and at nine o'clock was bedtime. One day, someone came up to Ellie's dad, saying if they remember him and it was a relative but the dad did not recognize him. Then they never saw him again. Days later they arrived to a new camp, Buna.
So when i hear this song it reminds me of the Jews and they're problem in the Genocide. This song can mean different things to other people but to me its stood out to me on this topic, since we're learning about it right now. It reminds me of them because when the lyric "money is spent on booms and DEATH showers", its like oh thats what they did to the Jews. The other lyric that stood out to me what "why do we kill our own kind", because its true know you like Jews are people as well. Why did the Germans kill them? Just because Hitlar to them to like i mean i know that was there leader but come on they are human too. Hitlar was just a crazy man. They aren't they animal and things that diserve to be treated that way. Thats just not right (it gets me mad). So thats what i had understood from that lyric. Last but not least the last lyric that stood out to me was "unnecessary death", like that its just like wow, yes they killing of the Jews i think it should have not happen at all and just like that. I really want to know the reason why they went of killing the Jews. But over all this song reminds me oh the Jews and the Genocide.
Elie and his father has been separated from his mother and sister. "Man to the Left! Women to the Right!"(29). "My hand tightened its grip on my father"(30). Elie was frightened on walking with a crowd, so he grabbed his fathers hand tightly.
SS officers went around and asked people how old they were. "Hey, kid, how old are you?... fifteen..No you're eighteen.. I'm fifty... No you're forty"(30). The SS officers went around asking people their age and then changing them because they are getting people to work and their is a certain age limit for the people that can and cannot work. After everyone being registered of there suppose age, they were sent off to the field and started working. While working in the field they all of a sudden hear someone asking for his father. "Do you know where the family Wiesel from Sighet is?"
Elie and his father do not recognize him and he is husband with Elie's mother's aunt. Elie then remembers him but then lies to him because he looked very anxious in knowing how the family is. Elie tells him that they are perfectly fine. Then he had to leave because the officers were coming directed there way. the next day he would come and visit them. He would warn his father that Elie has to eat more because he is too skinny and it is tough working here and not eating he could die.
Section 3 begins in Birkenau. All the Jews go through the first of many selections: Men to the left Women to the right! Little did Eli know that as the last time he ever saw his mother or sister Tizpora. Imagine losing your mom and sister and never being able to say goodbye! Eli and hi father went through the second selection...The person in charge of this selection was Dr. Mengele.
Dr. Mengele
The angel of death. He conducted dehumanizing experiments on twins. This cruel and terrifying monster decided the fate of those who walked before him...And Eli was next in line. "LEFT!" Eli waited anxiously, walked slowly to see where his father would go suddenly he hard a reassuring word: Left! The two were thrilled to be together-But where exactly were they going? The crematorium or safety? Babies were flung to their death into the depth of the fire. Were they next? Closer and closer came the stinging fire and stench of burning flesh in the air. Luckily, it's not their destination. They changed their course to the barracks at the last minute. Everyone sighed in relief. They got to survive one more day. Was surviving even an option? Did it mater anymore? They all knew sooner or later they were doomed. A Kapo officer lectures the Jews: Either you work or die. Thy all shower and get "branded" a number. No longer will they have a name. As if that isn't despicable enough, Eli's father gets slapped for wanting to use the restroom! Isn't it a natural right to be able to go o the restroom? They don't stay there long. Soon they're forced on a five mile march to their new destination: Auschwitz. Auschwitz is a concentration camp. They were fed well, but there isn't much to do so they sleep.While there, their relative Stein comes to visit. He asks if they have news f his family. Eli lies to give him hope. Only it didn't take too long for hm to fin out the truth. The real truth. Stein was never heard from again. Little after Stein's disappearance, Eli and his father are on the move again. A our hour walk to their new mp: Buna. Everything changes.
This song connects to the reading because i expresses emotion and despair. vvv