Wednesday, March 28, 2012

 BOOM!- System of a Down

So when i hear this song it reminds me of the Jews and they're problem in the Genocide. This song can mean different things to other people but to me its stood out to me on this topic, since we're learning about it right now. It reminds me of them because when the lyric "money is spent on booms and DEATH showers", its like oh thats what they did to the Jews. The other lyric that stood out to me what "why do we kill our own kind", because its true know you like Jews are people as well. Why did the Germans kill them? Just because Hitlar to them to like i mean i know that was there leader but come on they are human too. Hitlar was just a crazy man. They aren't they animal and things that diserve to be treated that way. Thats just not right (it gets me mad). So thats what i had understood from that lyric. Last but not least the last lyric that stood out to me was "unnecessary death", like that its just like wow, yes they killing of the Jews i think it should have not happen at all and just like that. I really want to know the reason why they went of killing the Jews. But over all this song reminds me oh the Jews and the Genocide.

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