"The murder of god " Section 4-Kimberly Canizalez per.4
chapter four Elie and his father remain at Buna. After, the prisoners got a
medical and dental examination they were chosen by a Kapo to work in a unit.
Luckily Eliezer and his father were placed together in a warehouse for electrical
equipment. Idek, their Kapo has a very short temper and is best to stay out of
his way. In this musician block Eliezer meets Juliek,Yosi, and Tibi. Eliezer is
called to the dentist to have his gold crown removed but he manages to put off
the tooth removal by saying he's sick. Soon after, the dentist is punished for
pocketing some gold crowns and even though the dentist had a tragic death Elie
felt no pity for him. Idek lost his temper and beat Eliezer, the "Aryan"
French girl tried to comfort him by telling him to not lose hope. Not long
after Elies father was a victim of one of Ideks violent rages. This caused Elie
to feel anger towards his father for not knowing to stay away. This is an example
of how the camp has changed Eliezer. Franek the prisoner’s foreman notices
Elies gold crown and ask for it and Elie refuses to give it to him as his
father told him not to. Yet Franek didn’t give up and began abusing Elies
father until Elie finally gave up and gave him his gold crown. Days later all prisoners
are transferred to a different camp and Elie realizes he gave up his crown for
nothing. On a Sunday, there was an air raid were all prisoners were to remain
in there block and if found at sight they were to be shot. These prisoners were
left with two cauldrons soup as they all longed for it but did not dare to get
it because they were scared to leave the barrack. Only one prisoner dare to
risk his life as the others watched him and as he stuck his head in the soup he
was shot. A week later the SS officers had this hanging ceremony were two men
and a little boy were hanged. The prisoners felt that the hang of the child was
an act of cruelty and Elie feels that god died along with the boy. This shows
that Elies religious beliefs have completely been destroyed. In my opinion I believe
that Elie is a completely different person now because he no longer has faith and
as time goes by he will just become worst and grow hate within him.
nice 3.5